Чемпионат мира 2005 г. по легкой атлетике
Оглавление1 Чемпионат мира по легкой атлетике 2005 года1.1 Чемпионат мира по легкой атлетике 20051.2 Торги и выбор города1.3 Церемония открытия1.4 […]
'2000s in Helsinki', '2005 in athletics (track and field)', '2005 in Finnish sport', '2005 World Championships in Athletics', 'Athletics in Helsinki', 'August 2005 sports events in Europe', 'International athletics competitions hosted by Finland', 'International sports competitions in Helsinki', 'World Athletics Championships', 2000s in Helsinki, 2005 in athletics (track and field), 2005 in Finnish sport, 2005 World Championships in Athletics, Athletics in Helsinki, August 2005 sports events in Europe, International athletics competitions hosted by Finland, International sports competitions in Helsinki, World Athletics Championships