Электрооптический МАСИНТ

Оглавление1 Electro-optical MASINT1.1 MASINT Overview1.2 Types of MASINT1.3 MASINT Sensors1.4 Hyperspectral MASINT1.5 Applications of MASINT1.6 Space-based MASINT1.7 Shallow Water Operations1.8 […]

Electro-optical MASINT

  • MASINT Overview

    • MASINT is a collection of technologies for detecting, identifying, and locating targets. 
    • It includes intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) systems, as well as counter-intelligence and counter-reconnaissance (CI/CR) systems. 
  • Types of MASINT

    • IMINT (Image Intelligence) uses optical and infrared sensors to detect and identify targets. 
    • EMINT (Electronic Intelligence) uses radio frequency and radar sensors to detect and identify targets. 
    • ELINT (Electronic Reconnaissance) uses radio frequency sensors to intercept and analyze enemy communications. 
    • SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) uses radio frequency sensors to intercept and analyze enemy signals. 
    • MASINT also includes MASW (Minefield Surveillance) and MASW (Mass Wasting) technologies. 
  • MASINT Sensors

    • Optical sensors include visible and infrared cameras, as well as laser rangefinders. 
    • Radio frequency sensors include radar, radio direction finding, and radio frequency identification. 
    • Electronic sensors include electro-optical, infrared, and microwave sensors. 
  • Hyperspectral MASINT

    • Hyperspectral imaging uses multiple bands of light to analyze physical characteristics of targets. 
    • The US is developing hyperspectral sensors for military applications, including mine detection. 
  • Applications of MASINT

    • MASINT technologies are used for detecting and identifying military vehicles, camouflage, and underground construction. 
    • They are also used for detecting mass graves, drug crops, and NBC contaminants. 
  • Space-based MASINT

    • Space-based sensors, such as the SEWS, detect and locate infrared heat signatures. 
    • They were used in the 1990s to detect Iraqi Scud missile launches. 
  • Shallow Water Operations

    • New technologies are needed for naval operations in shallow waters due to reduced effectiveness of acoustic sensors. 
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Электрооптический МАСИНТ — Википедия

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