Физика элементарных частиц

Particle physics Particle physics is the study of fundamental particles and their interactions.  The field includes accelerators, experiments, and theoretical […]

Particle physics

  • Particle physics is the study of fundamental particles and their interactions. 
  • The field includes accelerators, experiments, and theoretical models to understand current and predict future experiments. 
  • Theoretical particle physics develops models, frameworks, and mathematical tools to understand experiments and make predictions. 
  • Theorists make quantitative predictions of observables at collider and astronomical experiments. 
  • Model building in theoretical particle physics explores physics beyond the Standard Model. 
  • String theory is a major effort in theoretical particle physics, aiming to construct a unified description of quantum mechanics and general relativity. 
  • Particle accelerators are used in medical isotopes, external beam radiotherapy, and other applications. 
  • Major efforts are underway to look for physics beyond the Standard Model, including the Future Circular Collider and the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel. 

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Физика элементарных частиц — Википедия

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