Лондонское физическое общество
Лондонское физическое общество История Лондонского физического общества Основано в 1874 году Фредериком Гатри и Уильямом Флетчером Барреттом Первоначально включало 29 […]
'1874 establishments in England', '1960 disestablishments in England', 'Clubs and societies in London', 'Organizations disestablished in 1960', 'Physics societies', 'Regional and local learned societies of the United Kingdom', 'Science and technology in London', 'Scientific organizations established in 1874', 1874 establishments in England, 1960 disestablishments in England, Clubs and societies in London, Organizations disestablished in 1960, Physics societies, Regional and local learned societies of the United Kingdom, Science and technology in London, Scientific organizations established in 1874