Шестидесятеричная система счисления

Sexagesimal Sexagesimal system is a positional number system with a base of 60.  It is used in ancient Mesopotamia, Greece, […]


  • Sexagesimal system is a positional number system with a base of 60. 
  • It is used in ancient Mesopotamia, Greece, and other cultures. 
  • Modern uses of the sexagesimal system include measuring angles, geographic coordinates, electronic navigation, and time. 
  • The sexagesimal system has been used in various notational systems over time. 
  • Fractions in the sexagesimal system can be expressed exactly for certain types of denominators. 
  • Irrational numbers cannot be expressed exactly in the sexagesimal system. 

Полный текст статьи:

Шестидесятеричная система счисления — Википедия

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