Стхананга Сутра

Sthananga Sutra Sthānāṅgasūtram is an āgama in Prakrit that defines and catalogues the main substances of Jain metaphysics.  The work […]

Sthananga Sutra

  • Sthānāṅgasūtram is an āgama in Prakrit that defines and catalogues the main substances of Jain metaphysics. 
  • The work is divided into ten chapters, each enumerating certain topics according to their numbers. 
  • The Sthānāṅgasūtram serves as a huge anthology to all branches of Jaina knowledge. 
  • The work is considered as a memory aid for an ācārya and a guideline for his lessons. 
  • The Sthānāṅgasūtram lists the topics which made up the mathematics studied from the time of 2nd century BCE onwards. 
  • The topics are listed in ten numbers, including theory of numbers, arithmetical operations, geometry, and operations with fractions. 

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Стхананга Сутра — Википедия

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