Троичная система счисления

Ternary numeral system Ternary numeral system has three as its base, and is often used in analog logic and ternary […]

Ternary numeral system

  • Ternary numeral system has three as its base, and is often used in analog logic and ternary computers. 
  • Ternary offers a convenient way to represent fractions, but does not offer a finite representation for 1/2 and other fractions. 
  • Compact ternary representation can be achieved using nonary (base 9) and septemvigesimal (base 27) systems. 
  • Ternary numbers are used in certain analog logic and to represent self-similar structures like the Sierpinski triangle and the Cantor set. 
  • Ternary is the integer base with the lowest radix economy, followed closely by binary and quaternary. 
  • Binary-coded ternary is used to simulate ternary computers and interface between ternary and binary computers. 
  • Some ternary computers, such as the Setun, defined a tryte to be six trits or approximately 9.5 bits. 

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Троичная система счисления — Википедия

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